It's been so long since I last posted on this blog.
This was my diary when I was going through my rebellious (and most embarassing) phase in sec school and when I was experiencing the life of a poly student.
I wasn't much of a writer and I still am not. Reading through some of the older posts made me cringe so much.
How atrocious. How embarassing! I was so into wRiTiNg LiKe tHiS and my language was so horrible. I was such a potty mouthed teenager.
I am 27 now but I would punch my younger self for behaving like how I wrote.
Despite it all, I miss my younger self. I miss falling in "like". I miss having crushes. I miss that someone who made me feel so happy and loved but I couldn't see it because I was dumb and naive and stupid. I miss him.
No more carefree, airhead Ery. The childish and immature Ery has decided to be a woman.
I will treasure this keepsake for as long as I live. The pictures, the memories, the experiences. They were once a part of me and they made me who I am today.
I will miss you, my past.